4 Things Azealia Banks Could Do Now That She’s Banned from Twitter


Finally, the enforcement team at Twitter have taken action against one of its most habitual rule breakers, the troll queen herself – Azealia Banks.

For what she assumed to to be an attack by former One Direction member Zayn Malik, Banks went on a vitriolic rant filled with hateful racist and homophobic slander. After several users complained to social media network about its failure to take action against its most frequent and sincerely unrepentant rulebreaker, Twitter has suspended her account.

Now that she’s no longer able to spew her contrasting attention seeking criticisms of almost everyone, we decided to help her find something to do with her time.

1) Focus on making music. Despite her often immature and almost always offensive behavior on Twitter, Banks is undeniably talented.  Music is what made her famous in the first place. Love or hate her, “212” is indicative that beyond her trolling lies musical genius.

2) Get help. By now, unless you’ve have had no access to the internet the last few years, you are aware that she has more than a few deeply rooted issues.  We don’t know the source of dysfunction,  but she needs a higher power in her life… Or, at least a psychologist.

3) Develop multicultural understanding. Since race seems to always find its way into her commentary, it would be a great if she actually knew what she was talking about. Who knows, maybe she will learn how to respect our differences and use her reach to spread love instead of click-baiting intolerance.

4) Mend fences. She has done a great deal of harm to her brand over the last 48 hours. She should publicly apologize in a real genuine way, not the sarcastic way she’s done in the past, to most of the people who have suffered the embarrassment of being mentioned by her. We say most because there’s not enough time to address all, but then again, most of her schedule has been freed.


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