5 Ways to Know You’re Dating a Fuck Boy (Domestic Violence Awareness Month)

fuck boy


We all know who they are. It’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month and these are the kinds of dudes you want the women in your life to avoid at all cost.This special breed of male trash may have ruined lives of at least a few family members and friends. Ladies pay extra attention. Don’t be the star of your own Lifetime flick, walk away and never look back. Note to the guys this may offend, man up. If it hits you, it fits you.

Divisiveness. Does he alway complain when you spend time with anyone besides him? Even your family and friends you had prior to dating? Fuck Boys tend to create conflict between you and anyone who may care enough about you to speak against his controlling or manipulative behavior. Whenever he makes trouble, he’ll be the first to deflect blame. It’s never his fault. The goal is to isolate you as much as possible and if he’s successful that’s when the abuse really starts.

Selfishness. This is the kind of guy who brings food to your house and eats it right in front of you without offering to share. He almost never volunteers to spend money on you but has no issue with you reaching into your wallet. He has a real sense of entitlement and expects you to give your all while giving next to nothing in return. A fuck boy invites himself to your time and money with no consideration for how his intrusions affect you.

Emotional Blackmail. Remember when you were a little kid and your peers would threaten that they wouldn’t be your friend when they didn’t get their way? That’s another tactic a fuck boy uses. Everything is taken to the extreme. Anytime you think for yourself or make plans that don’t include him, he tries to punish you by using your compassion against you. Despite past efforts, suddenly you have to compromise in order to “prove” your love to keep him. A fuck boy will make you feel not giving in could be the end of your relationship. Truthfully, you are better off without him.

Unhappiness. Fuck Boys are rarely happy. In fact, most are miserable. They don’t really have friends and if they do, their friends don’t respect them (They’re fuck boys after all lol). They make you solely responsible for bringing joy into their miserable lives. But, don’t get it fucked up. It’s the kind of joy that only lasts for fleeting moments. Sooner than later, their pathetic lives take hold again. It is when this happens that all appreciation for your best efforts fades into discontent or even envy because you are not miserable too. If they’re not happy, you can’t be happy either.

Controlling. Deep inside, every fuck boy knows he’s a fuck boy. He knows he is not worthy of the love and respect you offer and deeply fears that one day you may realize you can do better. In order to prevent this, he tries to control every aspect of your life (Read first three, Susan). He monitors your social media, the clothes you wear and don’t leave your cellphone unlocked (Yes, all bitches aren’t women). He becomes obsessive with knowing where you are, what you are doing, and who you are with around the clock. Fuck Boys will take a paternal position with their women, demanding their respect, because no other man respects them.

While this list is by no means complete, hopefully, it will give you some insight into what to avoid when you first start dating. Fuck Boys bring nothing but drama and heartache. The worst of their kind become physically abusive as time goes on so be aware. They can be the very death of you. 1 in 4 women (24.3%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Stay safe.

If you or anyone you know may be a victim of domestic violence, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline.


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