Boosie Helps C-Murder Tell His Story In ‘Dear Supreme Court’ + ‘Penitentiary Chances’ Album Coming Soon

penitentiary chances

In Dear Supreme Court C-Murder is telling his story about wrongful imprisonment.

Corey Miller, better known as C-Murder, has been in a battle with the legal system since 2003. During that year he was convicted of the beating and fatal shooting of a 16 year old fan. Years later his attorneys were able to find enough corrupt evidence in the fist trial for him to receive a second trial. However, in 2009 a jury once again found C-Murder guilty and the judge sentenced him to mandatory life imprisonment.

During his prison time, C-Murder has released some music and written some books. However, everyone needs a little help telling their story. He found that help in Boosie Badazz.

Boosie was locked up for a couple of years and in an interview with Hiphop Dx he talks about being C-Murder’s cell partner for 2 and a half years. He also talks about helping with the efforts to get C-Murder released and their upcoming album, Penitentiary Chances.

“We made it happen. We recorded a CD called Penitentiary Chances. It’s basically what we were going through. His case is bullshit. I read his case and they have nothing on him, but he say, she say. He was tall with golds in his mouth. You know how many people are tall with golds in they mouth in New Orleans? No gunpowder residue on his hands. Bad case. He’s C-Murder and they made an example out of him.”

“I want to see him home. He was my cell partner for about two and a half years. When you that close to somebody for that long, he becomes like a brother. Y’all with each other every day, we worked together as our jobs were together. Both of us worked in the kitchen. I just want to see him home. Louisiana has a bad judicial system.”

Do you think C-Murder has served enough time in prison? Should he be released? Penitentiary Chances comes out in April.

-Lashuntrice Bradley

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