Interview: Chef Ray Mackey of Taste of the Islands

Chef Ray Mackey of Taste of the Islands is one of the most respected in the world of culinary. After being bestowed with a plethora of awards and acclamation, he is prepared to take his brand to the next level.

When did you realize you wanted to become a chef?
At a very early age while watch and helping my parents in their restaurant I found the love and passion for food, I then went on to culinary school at the tender age of sixteen.

As a chef has the different restrictions on diets challenge they way you cook especially for large events?
Usually when doing large events it’s nearly impossible to please every person attending, in this case being the creative director when it comes to the food aspect we would navigate the menu where as their is something that even the pickiest eater or the most allergic eater may find something to enjoy.

Describe your cuisine?
I describe myself as a modern fusion chef what does this mean, simply I’m locked into no boundaries when it comes to foods and flavors. I can put together combinations of foods that normally you would not have mixed but it all goes back to the preparation and components that you use.

Guess to say my favorite take would be crossing paths with Asian flavors and classic Caribbean dishes. Great example Conch which is a Caribbean Staple depending on where your from we would do stir fry or Thai Coconut Curry.

When you are at home what is your favorite food to cook?
Actually at home my favorite meal is nothing gourmet at all believe it or not it’s a dish called Fire Engine ask any Bahamian and they will know what this means. Symbolizing the Red and White is Corn Beef and White Rice, the corn beef is simmered down with onions, peppers, cabbage, potatoes and sometimes hot dogs slices.

What are 5 questions someone should ask a personal Chef before hiring them?
Basic interview questions are usually asked when hiring a person chef, frankly on their work history, work ethic as a team, working with children and pets, but most important is knowing that this person is trust worthy, good with budgets, good at making menus, following direction, and of course the actual test to know that you can cook.

What are your goals for 2019?
Our goals for 2019 is simple we continue to strive for excellence on each and every event (giving a one of a kind experience). We are also working closely with ROC and RAISE to promote better wages for restaurants workers across America. Besides that we are working on 3 new restaurant concepts in which one should open this year with the first location opening in Staten Island  NY, two of these concepts will be branded for franchises and one as a fine dining restaurant and lounge. 

What awards have you received as a chef?
I have received awards from the ACF American Culinary Federation for numerous culinary competitions over the years, had the opportunity the do a segment on NBC 6 Miami with Lonnie Quinn, various Magazine in the Caribbean and now being honored in Philadelphia on the 23 of February with the National Black Chef Award along side many other great chefs from around the country.

Describe your Pop-Up Shop Restaurants?
Island Flare Popup Restaurant was branded the draw attention and showcase what we do and what to expect when we open our doors. We are here to elevate Caribbean food from just being known as heavy and greasy but to be healthy yet still full of flavor. Lastly we strive to promote Caribbean tourism through food and Flavor. 

Name someone Dead or Alive that you would love to cook for?
The President the show him we are really more that what meets the eye, we are here we are proud we work hard to hone our talents and to better our selves we are not all criminals.

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