Five Men Found Guilty in Killing of Bronx Teen “Junior”

Almost a year after the brutal murder of 15-year-old Lesandro “Junior” Guzman-Feliz, five men have been found guilty of his killing.

While walking alone last summer in the Bronx, Feliz was mistaken by members of the Trinitarios gang as one of their rivals. After being chased for blocks, the teen sought refuge inside of a nearby bodega. He was then dragged out and stabbed to death, as the security camera captured the horrendous scene.

The footage received worldwide attention and sparked an outrage on social media. Various people, including celebrities such as Cardi B, took to social media to express their anger and demanded justice. From this spawned the viral hashtag #JusticeForJunior.

On Friday, the jury found Jonaiki Martinez Estrella, Antonio Rodriguez Hernandez Santiago, Jose Muniz, Manuel Rivera, and Elvin Garcia guilty of first-degree murder, second-degree murder, second-degree conspiracy, and second-degree gang assault.

After the conviction, Bronx district attorney Darcel D. Clark stated, “Junior came to symbolize all of the young people who have lost their lives to brutal gang violence. Today’s verdict fortifies the Bronx community’s stand against violence.”

In a statement, Leandra Feliz, Junior’s mother said “I’m not going to have my son back, but those killers, those murderers, they’re not going to be outside killing another kid.”

The men, all between the ages of 19 and 25, face a maximum sentence of life without parole. Eight others are currently awaiting trial.

Nia Primus

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