Venture Klan’s anime-influenced sound is an original style that still leaves listeners with a sense of familiarity. Their fusion of elements, characteristic of New York City Hip Hop, is undeniable as this Harlem duo pays homage to their appreciation of Japanese anime and their beloved City.
Earning a spot on DJ Drewski’s (Hot 97) “Dear Jersey Empowerment Tour” back in 2017, Venture Klan has continued to expand their fan base and reach. Looking to go full steam in Q2 of 2021, members, Ave Campbell and BukDaWorld, are set to release a new album this Spring titled, “It Takes A Village.”
Giving us a preview of what’s to come, “Manga & Subs” delivers boastful lyrics over a haunting melody amplified by a kick-heavy drumline.
“I need a statue in front of the Garden. I’m on the list where they only let gods in.”