Two weeks ago, a viral video released on social media shows Phoenix officers threatening the young family after being falsely accused of shoplifting items from a Dollar Store.
In the video taken by witnesses of the alarming arrest, the police demanded that Dravon Ames and Iesha Harper exit their vehicle, without explaining why.
The officers used foul language, threatened to shoot both of the adults, dislocated their baby’s arm during the arrest, physically assaulted Ames and tried to get Harper to put her one-year old baby down on the scorching hot pavement while pregnant so she could put her hands up instead of holding the child.
The Ace Firm specializes in PR, crisis communications, and public affairs, and is undertaking this case to help Ames and Harper spread their messages for justice and police brutality to the public.
“We are honored to handle the public relations and communications on behalf of the family. Our company is passionate about using our talents to provide opportunities for our clients to speak on social justice, police brutality, and the black lives matter movement to the public,” says Public Relations Manager Alexis ‘Alex’ Roberts.
“While we appreciate the mayor and police acknowledging the atrocious behavior of the member of law enforcement we hope they act to not only make this family whole, but also ensure that no one suffers in this manner again.”
Family attorney Thomas Horne, a former attorney general for the state, Rev. Jarrett Maupin, and strategic communications specialist Alexis Roberts are handling Ames’ case.
Funds are being collected by the East Valley NAACP on behalf of the family. These are restricted fund donations that will be used for family needs, please visit