All Charges Dropped Against Jussie Smollett

In a surprising twist in real life, state prosecutors cleared Jussie Smollett, star of Fox television show Empire, of 16 felony counts for allegedly fabricating a hate crime.

According to reports, the actor performed two days of community service and forfeited his $10,000 bond as part of an unwritten agreement.

While state prosecutor Joe Magats still believes that Smollett lied about being attacked by two MAGA hat wearing racists, he summarized the deceit as a nonviolent crime.

“Our priority is violent crimes and the drivers of violence. Jussie Smollett is neither one of those,” according to Magats. When questioned whether the penalty was fair, Magats responded, “I feel that it is.”

“I have been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one,” stated Smollett.

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