The popular “Basketball Wives” star Tami Roman has officially solidified a reality television special, titled “Tami Ever After.” Roman recently signed a deal with Mona Scott-Young and her company Monami Productions, who is also behind the “Love & Hip-hop” franchise.
The special will follow Roman’s experiences along with her husband Reggie Youngblood. Fans will get an inside look into the lives of the newlywed couple and their children from previous relationships.
The star is also working on a couple of upcoming shows with Young, including a docuseries “Queen City” and “Big Oil Houston.”
“Tami is a true multi-hyphenate; not only is she a talent on camera, she’s also an incredibly intuitive and creative producer. I love working with smart, dynamic women and Tami Roman is a rock star” Young said in a statement to Deadline.
It is safe to say that Roman is also very enthusiastic about her current endeavors. She stated, “I’m so excited about the magic that Mona and I are creating. She has always been very supportive of my career and ideas and I’m happy to be a part of her company. This will be an incredible journey.”
“Tami Ever After” will air on Wednesday, June 19th at 9 p.m. after the premiere of the new “Basketball Wives” season.
Nia Primus