After posting a conceptual draft of the Ahmaud Arbery cover, our website was attacked and sabotaged.
So… We decided to run with the cover officially.
I know the use of profanity on the cover may be frowned upon and some may even be offended. However, I ask that you reserve your outrage for a far more important issue.
The killing of Black Americans.
It is getting harder for us to find peace in this great country. Our kids can’t walk home or fundraise in peace. Our women can’t drive or even sleep in peace. We can’t publicly enjoy ourselves, relax in our own apartments, or even go for a jog in a seemingly safe neighborhood in peace.
How can we exercise the freedom to pursue happiness when our very existence places us in mortal danger?
To be clear, until we can find the same peace in supposedly safe spaces the privileged enjoy, my inventory of fucks-to-give about your indifferent sensitivity and general lack of empathy is at an all-time low.
However, I have reserved a few.
Fuck Gregory and Travis McMichael, I hope you spend the rest of your lives suffering for the one you took. May peace elude you both for the rest of your days.
And, if anyone should have a problem with me saying so… Well, you know the rest.
We are witnessing a genocide with the slow and steady extinguishing of black lives, one human being at a time.
And that deserves your outrage.
Read the latest issue of @urbanmagazine today