
Dear Iggy: A Brief Truth About Becky from Lemonade


I am going to keep this really brief and simple for you because your lack of multicultural understanding has led to major issues in your career in regards of black people.

For the culturally ignorant, good hair is a reference to people of color with hair not typical for their perceived ethnicity.

With that said, the Becky in the song could not be white, because having “good hair” would be a foregone conclusion and redundant. Know our history the way you know our stereotypes.

It’s important that we educate ourselves on all members of the market we target in hopes of establishing or extending influence.

Don’t assume. Know. If you don’t know, then learn.

Because my friend, what you don’t know will end your career faster than you can say Iggy.

I mean… You date a black man. I’m sure he could’ve have told you all of this.


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