Did Whoopi Put Rosie O’Donnell in Her Place During Taping of The View?


You’d think Rosie would have known better than to push things with Whoopi. It appears that it wasn’t the case during recent taping.

According to tvsmacktalk.com

Rosie doesn’t want to wear an earpiece and because of that she cannot hear when the producers give Whoopi the cue to go to commercial break and as a result, doesn’t know when to shut her trap.

As you know, on major network TV there are stiff monetary penalties for not going to commercial break so Whoopi had to interrupt Rosie, in mid-sentence to pay the bills. This is all part of being the moderator.

Whoopie had to interrupt Rosie to go to commercial which the latter so deeply in her feelings that she used the audience mic to voice her displeasure in front of  the live audience.

Trying avoid a confrontation, Whoopie suggested that they discuss it later but when Rosie insisted, let’s just say Whoopi’s patience expired.

‘F*** it, I told you to leave it alone and you just don’t want to listen. If you want to go there Rosie, I will dammit. I’m really sick of your s***!’

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