DNC Black Caucus Chair: Trump is the KKK’s Obvious Choice

Donal Trump

DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie M. Rollins issued the following statement after the KKK’s official newspaper endorsed Donald Trump for president.

“I cannot even pretend to be surprised that the KKK would endorse Donald Trump for president. Trump has used his campaign to mainstream hate, and to pit Americans against each other. White nationalists heard him loud and clear when he said that ‘we’re gonna work on our ghettos,’ and that ‘we should just cancel the election.’ When Trump says he wants to ‘make America great again,’ his vision hardly includes people of color, women, immigrants, Muslims, and the disabled, among others.

“Throughout his campaign, Trump has had the audacity to compare inner cities to war zones, promote racist birther conspiracy theories against President Obama, then ask what Blacks have to ‘lose’ by voting for him as if he is even interested in addressing systemic racism and oppression. This type of nasty, divisive rhetoric may be par for the course for Trump, but ‘the Blacks’ as he’s called us aren’t buying it. We have not forgotten that Trump was sued by the Department of Justice for refusing to rent to Black and Latino tenants at the start of this business career or that he has continued to attack the Central Park Five after they have been exonerated.

“Let’s remind Trump that he isn’t in the driver’s seat – the voters are. We’re going to reject Trump’s extremism by electing Hillary Clinton as President and Democrats up and down the ticket.”

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