Drake and Lil Wayne have an interactive app specifically designed for the Drake vs. Lil Wayne tour that kicks off Friday night at the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center.
The app will enable fans to have an actual real-time impact on each show by “powering up” the two artists as well as allowing them to choose sides in the rap battle.
“We are both thrilled that our fans will get the unique opportunity to join us in this interactive experience.”
The app also allows the crowd to utilize a “button mash” as if they were playing the Ultra Street Fighter IV video game to help boost their favorite rappers.
DvsLW, collaboration with tour sponsor Capcom, will enable fans to select their city, pick a side (Drake or Lil Wayne) during each night’s rap battle.
Just before the Drake Vs Lil Wayne tour kicks off, the designed app for the tour will be debuting on Google Android and Apple iOS.
Amanda White and Jon Gibson of iam8bit added of the app, “Artists don’t do this sort of thing for their fans very often, so we think we are out in front of improving the interactive concert and overall experience for the show.”