Some men can’t handle being with a woman who’s got it all together—a woman who stands on her own two feet, knows her worth, and isn’t afraid to demand more. These men don’t want an equal, they want someone they can control.
They prefer women who are struggling, not because they want to help or uplift them, but because it allows them to offer the bare minimum and feel like they’ve done something grand. They want to be praised for crumbs, for gestures that cost them little, while expecting a woman’s complete submission in return.

But here’s the truth: a real man doesn’t feel threatened by a woman who has her own. He sees her strength and admires it. He doesn’t need to dim her light to feel like he shines. Instead, he adds to her glow and rises with her.
To the women reading this: Never shrink yourself to make a man feel bigger. The right one will meet you where you are—ready to build with you, not break you down to boost his ego.
Author Bio
Míchelle Annalèise Coles is a relationship coach and founder of Annaleise Affirms LLC. She helps women embrace joy, set boundaries, and redefine success on their own terms. Learn more at