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Editorial: Appreciate the People Who Support You

Speaking specifically about the music industry, if someone believes in you, you owe them at least to appreciate it. Why? Having people believe in you in good faith is so very rare, especially in the beginning when you are just getting started. This is when you need the support the absolute most.

However, while living in your truth or purpose attracts people which in turn gives you momentum, it can also create and introduce distractions. When this happens, it is because your focus shifts from your purpose/truth to the attention it brings.

Sometimes, it is the attention from the masses as a whole, but I have seen one fuck _________ sidetrack many a incredible talent. Sadly, because they lose focus on their original goal(s) which brought them the attention in the first place, eventually the whole bandwagon party comes to an end.

But here’s the kicker:

When they find themselves back on the ground floor, they attempt to reach out to the people who genuinely supported them from day one in hopes of recapturing past success. But why would these people (including myself) fuck with them (you) again?

They have already shown how quickly they lose sight of their supporters the moment the masses (or a new sex partner) come into the mix. Why should they invest their time and energy again? The truth is, as a matter of self-care, they shouldn’t.

Genuine support is a blessing and something you should always appreciate. It’s the least you can do and doesn’t cost a single cent. The way you treat the people who uplift you says a great deal about your character and it may be the real reason why a lot of the people didn’t fuck with you in the first place. Maybe, they were the smart ones.

Be’n Original

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