
Editorial: There is No Room for Colorism in Black Culture

I know way too many bi-racial people who consistently and passionately contribute to the culture to ever blindly co-op the self-loathing propaganda of colorism.

While some are limiting the remarks of Kendrick Lamar and Rick Ross specifically to Drake for what they see as character flaws, there are far more clever ways to attack him for such.

When you depreciate his Blackness based on his complexion, you are spitting in the face of many of the greatest champions of our people, like Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X, Barack Obama, Jane Bolin, Langston Hughes, and so many more, who have done things many of us could only dream of accomplishing. I think their Blackness is beyond reproach.

To say, “Well, we’re just talking about Drake,” is the equivalent of a racist person calling Candace Owen a n****r and saying we shouldn’t be offended because they are just talking about her. As bad as most of the collective feels about her, she is still one of us, and we wouldn’t stand for it. I know I wouldn’t.

How about instead of injecting white supremacist propaganda into this rap feud, you take the time to find the words to articulate how you really feel? I know you can’t possibly think that trying to spin racial divisiveness created by the same people to dehumanize you makes you Black-er. You know that the very caste system you are appropriating was meant to hold us down, right? Why the fuck would you do that? Are you dumb?

Feel however you want about Drake’s music, reputation, alleged behavior, or whatever, but to me, introducing race or complexion into this music conversation is corny AF. It’s a false sense of empowerment that isn’t practical in the real world. The cops didn’t spare the lives of Daunte Wright, Andre Hill, or Tony Robinson Jr., and they definitely didn’t deem them as white. Nor did it stop them from sending bullets their way.

There are far more dangerous people who are working on behalf of white supremacists every day to end DEI, erase Black history, and give police immunity should they kill us, and they wear the same skin I’m in.
If we’re going to start snatching cards, let’s start with them first.

These words, opinions, thoughts, and views are my own.

Be’n Original

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