katie couric

Editorial: Katie Couric Owes Denzel Washington an Apology

katie couric

In a recent article in People Magazine, Katie Couric is quoted telling a story about Denzel Washington making her uncomfortable during an interview that took place sixteen years ago.

Here’s the thing… Denzel did nothing wrong.

His only crime was being a black man who stood up for himself after being asked a demeaning question.

When asked by Couric if “Hollywood folks should stick to acting,” his response in her own words sought clarity.

“I don’t know what Hollywood folks are, first of all. Hollywood is a town that has stars on the sidewalk. I don’t know anyone from there. So I don’t — that’s like saying — calling you a ‘type’ of folks. I’m not a Hollywood folk. I don’t know who they are.”

So… He left her shaken by making a seemingly needed teachable moment of the situation.

This is the kind one-side narrative that have historically fueled the lynching of black men since slavery.

It’s one thing for her to dislike his response or even tone. But to color it as having left her shaken is socially irresponsible and feeds into the “big scary black man” racist narratives that endanger black lives.

This Karen-esque behavior is beneath a journalist of her experience and regard. If anything, it is Katie who should apologize to Denzel for making most of it over a decade later to promote a book of all things.

Lastly, just because you don’t know you’re being an asshole, doesn’t make it any less true. Shame on her and any of you who stand with her.


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