Editorial: A Few Words on President Obama

President Barrack Obama

It felt good waking up and knowing we still have Obama running the show.  I am confident that he can keep us moving forward.  Some people think we took a few steps back during his first term, but that in itself is backwards thinking.  President Obama stands for so much. He is a symbol of hope and inspiration to the people. He is, definitively, a TRUE leader.

From the time we are kids, we want to believe in something or someone, believe miracles can happen, and believe that anything is possible.  Obama is someone who a whole nation can believe in.  Who would have ever thought that we would have a black president?  Now that it has happened… twice… the sky is the limit!

When your five-year old daughter turns to you and says, “I want to be president when I grow up,” you know in your heart and soul that this dream of hers is now possible. Just because we have never, in American history had a female president, doesn’t mean that it won’t happen one day.  We know that because Obama has already broken the race barrier. The doors are wide open. The notion of a woman in the White House is not as far-fetched as we once thought.

We tell our youth to dream big dreams. They can be anything they want to be. What we don’t tell them is that they will very likely run into many challenges throughout their lives en route to achieving  those dreams. We don’t tell them that there are certain social factors that may become obstacles in their paths to success. Obama overcame once insurmountable obstacles to become the first African-American to take office.  Even if you don’t want to become president one day, you can still look to his achievements for inspiration, no matter what age you are.

Dreamers are represented by all walks of life. Who you are should only propel you further, not deter your vision of success, whatever that may be. I have always been a dreamer… and now I am not only a life-long dreamer, but I am also a believer. I see positive change as we move forward with Obama as our leader.  I want to be a part of that change. We should all want to be a part of that change.

Everyone wishes for their voice to be heard. Voting is one way to do that, but it should not end there. Now that Election Day has come and gone, what will we do as a united people to help our children and our children’s children realize their dreams to their fullest potential? What will we do to support our President? Words of support are not enough. Tweets and Facebook posts are not enough. We must take action to move upward and onward as a nation. A leader is even stronger when his people find “the leader” in themselves.

We all have a dream. Many of us probably have more than just one dream. And, dreams have no boundaries. Dreams aren’t like fast food options… they don’t come in small, medium, or large. Find that one thing that you believe in and commit to it. When you dream and you believe in your dream, others will start to believe too. Let’s help our president achieve his dream of restoring our nation to its former greatness… together. Yes, WE can.

Kneenah Chong

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