Event Recap: Albee Al’s Free the Real Listening Celebration

On Wednesday, September 28th, EMPIRE hosted the private listening celebration for Albee Al’s Free the Real at Bacall’s Family Steakhouse. The seventeen-track album is scheduled to release September 30th on all platforms.

Throughout the night Albee Al received roses from music influencers, executives, and media personnel. EMPIRE’s VP A&R Bobby Fisher recalled his recent visit to the label’s headquarters in San Francisco. “His pen is prolific. He did this project in four days,” Fisher said, “There’s nothing I can say about his art but I can say that I can judge a man based on his character. He’s a family man. He’s all about his kids. His team is very close and tight-knit. When you get that nucleus around someone you believe in, the work doesn’t even feel like work. The work feels like fun.”

Dinner guests included Khari M Williams from Spotify, Dimas Sanfiorenzo and Kia Turner from Okayplayer, William Ketchum III, Carl Lamarre & Michael Saponara from Billboard, Mark Elibert from HipHopDX, Nicole “Coey” Racine of the Talk of The Town Show, and Keith Nelison Jr from REVOLT.

DJ Wallah and Mike Medium of Hot 97 provided the tunes and played Free The Real. Mr. Commodore, Mysonne, Jay Swishes, and K Goddess pulled up to the after-party to show their support for the new release.

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