Farewell to TI and Tiny…For Good?

Watching TI and Tiny: The Family Hustle show on VH1 definitely had some perks here and there. With all the kids they have and trying to find out who they really are in front of the camera can be tricky. Didn’t the famous couple seem happy on television? Say cheese! But don’t let the reality TV and cameras all up in your face fool you because you know everyone has their share of drama. Love and marriages can definitely be a blindsided when meeting so young and being all up in each other’s face 24/7 can be dramatizing.

Let’s be for real, what was the real situation between TI and Tiny splitting up? Watching the marathon from season one up into the last season really put the icing on the cake as Tiny and TI shared one last date together at a near restaurant trying to hash out differences within their marriage.

Tiny has allegedly told TI, “You hooked up with one of my friends you met through me” while TI has accused Tiny of “being with” his enemy Mayweather which Tiny denied in interviews and on blogs.

The show started when TI came home from jail and Tiny was a ride or die chick from the very beginning. While TI was in behind bars, she held it down like a real woman should! But America would never really know what really “went down” between the two.

When rumors get in the way of marriages and you really don’t know what to believe, you begin to question both parties.

Media can be filled with gossip that can tear apart relationships once believed. But why didn’t TI want to receive the divorce papers Tiny tried to deliver? That’s pretty strange and it makes me think that TI may still have feelings for Tiny. Do you think so? Six years of being married may not be a long time to some, but for both TI and Tiny, it was

But why didn’t TI want to receive the divorce papers Tiny tried to deliver? That’s pretty strange and it makes me think that TI may still have feelings for Tiny. Do you think so? Six years of being married may not be a long time to some, but for both TI and Tiny, it was

Six years of being married may not be a long time to some, but for both TI and Tiny, it was enough love to go around especially with the seven kids including both Tiny’s daughter and TI’s two kids from their respective previous relationships. But the love must have grown apart as Tiny got her own place to gain her space, independence and focus on her new business ventures.

Who would have known? Since watching Tiny on the show, she is a real hustler and who would blame her for wanting her own basketball team with both boys and girls together?

Did TI support her decision with that? I think not! Fame has a funny way of showing people their true colors and I’m now questioning TI about even being in true love with Tiny from the beginning. Tiny supports TI when he is on the road, performing at concerts, new music or anything dealing with his music career. She is always there.

However, why when Tiny has other dreams and goals to talk about with her husband, she doesn’t get the same support? Crazy shit for real!

I truly wished the two of them can just hash out their differences and be together for the kids, but when decisions are final, they are final. Now with Xscape possibly getting back together, it’s really good for Tiny to rekindle with her friends in the group and bring that flavor of music back.

Oh well, I guess some couples just fall apart and grow old and apart. Good luck to both TI and Tiny!

By Patrice Rivers

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