From The Editor: Respect Your Brand – Fuck Favors


Almost every day, I have either associates or “friends” ask me to do work under the guise of a favor. Here’s the problem: I don’t believe in working for free.

The reason for the quotes around the word “friends” is because my real friends don’t have an issue in paying me. They actually prefer to pay me as oppose someone they don’t know.

I have worked very hard to develop the creative skills I now possess and I know their value in the marketplace. If they especially people of color were to acquire the same services from another professional, especially one not a person of color, it would never be an issue. The truth is they would likely not even think to even ask for love, to be blessed, a helping hand or whatever colloquialism for the word “favor” you choose.

But, the question I pose is why would I want to work for free?

I could utilize the time it would take to perform whatever work they need, to do something for myself for free.

Whether it’s taking a nap, listening to Levina Lye’s latest song on Tidal, or writing an editorial on the site I own, I simply have better and more fulfilling things to do.

And, let’s not lose sight of the damage doing favors can have on your brand.

“What damage?” you may ask. Oh, how about lowering the value of your services. Not in the mind of  consumers as a whole, but with that specific client and anyone they refer.

Before long, labor that is worth thousands of dollars is now expected to be performed for nowhere near the going rate and it’s hard to reestablish the lost value.

What was once an act of benignity becomes an expected given. In many cases, they actually may start to feel that paying you anything at all is a favor.

Trust me, it has happened to the best of us and there’s only one to avoid this issue altogether. Respect your brand and respect the game.

I am always down to barter for anything of equal (but preferably greater) value. The entertainment industry is built on a favor for a favor. When that is not possible, I prefer to say the most powerful word in any language – No.

They do not have to like it. In many cases, they won’t, but, they will respect it.

Saying no, not only prevents you from doing free shit, it also stops them from making their need(s) your problem. Life is hard enough.

Whether it is performing songs, designing sites or house-sitting, charge whatever your services are worth because it protects the value of your time and talent.

Besides, you can do absolutely nothing for free.  Why would you work for it?
Sincerely from the bottom of my f**king heart,

Editor in Chief/Publisher & Super Fly Word Slinger

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