Interview: Actress Kass Miller of Peace Be Steel

kass miller

To say Kass Miller is talented is an understatement. Starring in the underrated YouTube series, Peace Be Steel, she delivers memorable performances time and time again. Get to know her.

Do you remember when you first decided to become an actor?
When I was a kid I had a deep love for theater and music. I took theater arts classes in high school, along with chorus, but I took a long break because I didn’t think I had what it takes. However, once I had my son (2016), it kind of motivated me to just go for it. I want him to know that he can chase his dreams, too, if he really believes and works for it!

Share with us what do you love about playing different characters.
What I love most about playing different characters is being able to embody so many different moods and emotions. I have a tendency to embody whomever I’m playing (mentally), so it gives me a different perspective on aspects of life that I had never seen before, nor experienced. In a way, it makes it feel more “real” to me, which (in my opinion) sometimes brings about some of my best performances.

Which actor would you say inspired you the most?
I absolutely love Taraji P. Henson! She has a presence about her, whenever she’s on screen, that inspires and intimidates. She gave me the courage to take that step towards acting when I learned of her backstory, and how she got started in the industry. She’s beautiful, beyond talented, and seems like such a humble lady, which makes me just love her in every role she plays…even as the “Bad Girl”!

How do your prepare for filming?
When I prepare for a role, I first read the entire script (typically a few times), to get a feel for the narrative/plot/characters/conflicts/etc. Then I recite my lines a lot, trying out different methods of delivery to see which “feels like what my character would say, do, or react”. I also communicate with the director/writer/producer. My goal is always to help bring their vision to life, in whatever way I can. And, of course, I waist-train for about a week or two before shooting, just in case!

What do you look for in the script when deciding on a role?
I’m honestly excited for all the projects that come my way, but a big part of my decision making boils down to relatability. It may not be the plot that I relate to, but rather an emotion (or range of emotions). It helps me feel more connected to that character. When/if I can tap into the emotions of that character, it makes it seem more realistic – which, in turn, helps me play that character more fluidly. If I don’t feel I can do that, I make it known but that doesn’t happen much though.

Tell us about the character you play in the YouTube series?
So I play Abigail Steel in the YouTube web series “Peace Be Steel”, written, directed and produced by Mr. Karlton Clay. Its story is centralized around the Steel siblings who run a very successful production company, whilst dealing with personal battles, relationship drama, and a whole lot more! Abigail is the C.O.O of this company who feels very strongly that she should be the C.E.O, instead of her older brother. She’s known around the company for being the “stern, authoritative type”, and she carries like a chip on her shoulder. My favorite thing about her is that she’s not afraid to play dirty, if need be, yet she still carries herself with a demeanor of class and professionalism – when she’s not upset!

What are your plans for 2020?
I’m actually starting to write some project ideas down and I’m coordinating with some friends in the indie film business to help bring those ideas to life. I’m also looking forward to taking some classes in my free time, just to sharpen up. I also plan on getting a vocal coach to sharpen my singing skills. My goal for 2020 is to go harder and press for success by any means possible. As I learn more about the ins and outs of this business, I’m hopeful for more exciting projects that can have me travel around the world and open my eyes to new experiences and perspectives, which (I feel) will only serve me better as an actress.

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