sakima mcclinton

Interview: Former Congressional Candidate Sakima McClinton

sakima mcclinton

Sakima McClinton has always been a force of good in her community. A decorated war veteran, West Point grad and former congressional candidate, she represents the best the Poughkeepsie has to offer.

Your family has always been active within the community, why is service to others so important to you?
Gandhi said the best way to find yourself is to loose yourself in the service of others. I think it is important on all levels to help others, it gives people opportunities they might not have known existed. I have always had people help me along my journey and I feel it is important to pay that forward.

How do you balance your time as a mother, wife, community activism and politics?
Work smarter not harder and lose the Mom guilt. There are sacrifices, I cannot say I sit down with my family at a dinner table every night and find out how their day went. However, I do ensure I touch base with each of my children and my husband on a daily basis to ensure I know what’s going on and how they are feeling as well as the areas where I can make their lives easier.
Communication is key as well as prioritizing the most important parts for you and your family. I also am very blessed to work for very understanding employers so I can take off for school concerts, parent-teacher conferences or even a day at an amusement park with my family. Of course, the work must be made up but how much more productive I am when I know my job is also willing to look out for me and my family’s quality of life. Lastly, I would say when you want to be in the public eye like in politics or activism you have to ensure your whole family is on board before they find themselves in the spotlight of your community.

Many feel that people in the Black community often vote against our collective interests. What are your thoughts?
If I could scream this from the mountain tops I would! Just because you are an African American does not mean you have to automatically vote for whoever is on the Democrat line! Learn to vet candidates, take the time to see what they have done in their past, what they believe is important, what issues they are running on and most importantly WHAT ARE THEY WILLING TO DO TO HELP YOUR CURRENT SITUATION! For example, will they fight to reduce student debt? Will they assist in getting more African American’s in their own house? Will they assist in ensuring we as a people get a seat at the proverbial table? Simply being a democrat does NOT ensure that. I don’t care what party you are, find out what is important to the candidate and make sure it is what is important to you. Running for political office is a process and especially on the local levels, it should be less about the party and more about what the person directly is doing to make the community better.

You have quietly fought to better the lives of those around you on so many levels. How do you find the strength to keep going?
It is funny every time I’m ready to throw in the towel, I think God sends me a sign not too. I remember when I was ready to leave West Point, I started telling myself I could go anywhere in the world for school, no need to be tortured here. I went home, I ran into a homeless guy on the street that told me he knew who I was because I was the first black woman in the state of New York to go to West Point and he was proud of me. He told me I would touch many lives and at the moment I felt the need to finish not just for me but for my community.
When I ran for the School Board in the city of Poughkeepsie, many people told me it was useless but I wanted to be the voice for all the children and their parents that may not know how to get want they need to be successful at school. I had been struggling to get my own child the services she needed and basically taking crash courses along the way of getting her set up. Once she was set up I knew I had to help others get on that path as well. My strength comes from family and friends’ support. When I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders, my people are willing to give me a listening ear when I need to vent and not hold it against me. But, most importantly, my strength comes from God.

What changes would you like to see over the next four years?
Get rid of political parties in local government and save that for state government or higher. I know that won’t happen since they serve as feeder programs for higher government positions so then I would hope that people take more time to review who they are voting for and not let the media or a party pick for you.

Is there any advice you would like to offer someone considering entering politics in this climate?
Thick Skin! Before you start, understand what you are fighting for and why then draw on that when you feel like quitting. Your ‘why’ will compel you to reach for the impossible. That ‘why’ can be a better life for your children, a better situation for your parents, safer neighborhoods, or a more educated and aware community.

Lastly, tell us about the Dream Big Youth Foundation.
Dream Big Youth Foundation is a non-profit 501c3 tax-exempt organization. A youth empowerment and mentoring organization, it was created to change the world by teaching students to not only dream big but also how to set realistic goals to help them achieve their dreams. Dream Big builds self-esteem, self-worth, and broadens horizons through the use of mentors, arts, education, stem training, business internships, public service, cooperative learning, and enrichment programs. It is located in the city of Poughkeepsie and has been in existence since 2017.


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