king p

Interview: King P – The Music Never Stops

We had the opportunity to circle back to King P, one of our favorite independent acts we have featured in the digital issues, to see how his career has progressed throughout the pandemic. Artists never stop creating art and he’s no different.

We featured you last year, in what ways have you maintained your creativity during this COVID-19 pandemic?

I dived into creating more IG content as well as doing home recordings and reaching out to more artists for features, I definitely have been keeping myself locked in on projects and ideas that have to be bought together.

Growth is a big part of the evolution of artistry, how has your music changed since the last time you were featured?

It’s going to sound cliche, but I want the listeners to decide for themselves what growth I’ve made musically, because personally, I just feel like I’m moving with less restrictions on myself creatively.

You have put in a great deal of work throughout your career, what would say has been the key to staying motivated?

Not to get dark, but death, the loss of life, especially in 2020, there was a lot of loss, I myself lost another son in 2020, so for me it’s always, if some people never get to live, why don’t you? Live and really make the best out of life.

As an independent artists, would you consider a deal with a major?

If so, tell us the non-negotiables. I definitely would consider it; you have to be smart, everything the industry is, is researchable, so it’s up to you as an artist to know how far you’d like to go. For me, the non-negotiables would be the long term commitment, and the ever scary 360 deal lol.

When it comes to writing songs, are there certain elements you look for during beat selection?

Whatever moves me, I’m very mood based, so depending on the mood I’m in, different beats, speak to me differently, but if I can start humming something within the first 10 seconds, a melody or words, then that beat got me.

How do you feel about the power of streaming services and playlists?

Personally, I hate it, I hate how it takes choice away from the listeners, I know the saying “numbers don’t lie” but they do, as an indie artist, if you don’t have certain numbers etc, the material is trash, which is far from the truth.

What can our readers expect from you in the near future?

More music, more content, more events, right before the pandemic started in March of 2020, I was skeptical about my Inner Child EP release party, but it was beyond successful. During the pandemic, I put a concert together for my 2nd installment to Hoely University, and it was a major success. So more events definitely.

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