Lamon Archey is a California native that in the most unlikely of events, went from being a carpenter to being a Hollywood star in one of he oldest daytime soaps, Days of Our Lives. His road to currently starring in the role of Eli Grant as one that wasn’t expected.
What fatherly advice would you give to Eli?
I’d tell Eli that he’ll never be ready for fatherhood, but on the same note I’d tell him that things will always work themselves out. Being a father is one of life’s greatest blessings. Relax. You’ll be just fine!
What has being a father taught you?
Being a father has taught me patience and a love within I never knew I had.
The power of social media in Hollywood. Roseanne Barr was recently fired from her show reboot because of racist comments made on Twitter. What are your thoughts on social media in Hollywood? Does social media give too much of a voice? Does social media belong in Hollywood?
Social media has taken over! I actually am more fond of the old days when being mysterious and not seen so much was more enticing than being available and in every ones faces 5 times a day. At the same time I understand times have changed and it’s out with the old and in with the new. So at this time, yes social media does belong in Hollywood. Fans want to hear from the stars and engage with them as much as possible and I’ve noticed it can really affect your star power. Good and bad as we seen in Rosanne Barr’s case.
Speaking of movements, what causes have you supported or what causes are dear to your heart?
Anything that helps animals. Unfortunately we (humans) are at the top of the “food chain”, and we treat animals extremely horrible. One day I plan on joining a charity to benefit animals in some way form or fashion.
What is your definition of success?
Fulfilling your dreams and being able to find joy through all the ups and downs.
Share with us what you rely on to stay focused as a celebrity.
The want to become better at my craft and do things in the acting world I’ve yet to do. I never want to get too comfortable, and the thought of that definitely keeps me focused and motivated.
As an accomplished model and actor, give advice to people with the goal of one day becoming successful in Hollywood.
Be patient and don’t give up! Success in this business doesn’t always happen fast but when it does it’s worth all the time you put in to it.
What is it like being black in Hollywood right now? The racial climate is very high these days with so many people being so blunt and forward with their racial tones. Has it affected you? If so, how?
Well I don’t know what it’s like to not be black in Hollywood. I also don’t think it’s ever been easy. I believe the racial climate has always been high but social media has put a spotlight on it. I’m sure it has affected me many times, but often more is said and done behind closed doors than in my face. I pray it doesn’t blatantly affect me head on because I may not be so peaceful in my retaliation.
Lakeshia Britton