
Interview: Raiche – Making Her Own Brand of R&B

Raiche is taking the world by storm with her creative approach to music. As the quarantine continues, this star is digging deeper into herself and her sound.

What can fans expect from your upcoming project, Loveland?
I’m so excited, it’s been a while since I released new music. Between last year and this summer during quarantine; I’ve had a lot of time to solidify my sound. So, I think there’s a lot of new sounds coming from this next project, Loveland, that’s going to be exciting for my listeners. This project is going to tell a story through expressing a range of my emotions.

How does this project differ from your previous collection?
I’d like to say I’m growing as an artist through my voice, becoming more comfortable with my vocal range, pushing myself to do more and writing better as well.

When it comes to your writing, where do you draw inspiration from?
I’m excited to share my story with fans through my new music! I’m definitely pulling from personal experiences and some of those are from songs I wrote about last year. Now that I’ve had time to process these events in my life, I can change my outlook on what happened and how I chose to react. But to look back at that time, it was real to me, so I know other people can relate.

What’s your creative process when it comes to making music?
Sometimes I express my ideas by talking about how I’m feeling and what I’m going through to my writers before we start writing. Then we jot down some melodies and add to it later on. But most times I’ll just express myself to the writer and he just puts my feelings into a song. Afterward, I’ll go back tweak it to my liking.

How has your creativity been affected during COVID-19?
I think it’s honestly helped me to really sit down and talk to myself. It was time to ask myself some serious questions. I think it helped me take a pause in life and think about what I truly want and who I am as a human being. I needed to confront it all and I think I have a newfound desire and excitement for creativity.

What adjustments have you had to make when it comes to your engagement with your fans during COVID?
I’ve been really creating and trying to engage on Instagram and show more of my personality because I feel like I’ve kind of kept that part of me away from social media. I have been trying to share more of who I am and show that I’m more than just a pretty face. I have emotions, I have a sense of humor, and I feel like that often gets lost. But performance wise, I have a few virtual shows lined up which I’m excited for. Especially after watching the VMA’s it was really futuristic, and dope and I really liked the approach they took with the new wave of performances.

Who are some people that have inspired you in your career?
I think I’m heavily influenced by every artist. I know that’s a broad answer, but I really do listen to every single artist out there. Adele, Rihanna, Lana Del Rale Beyonce, Billie Eilish, James Blake, Bill Withers. There are so many different artists from all these different genres that I really like to pull from. I enjoy listening to everyone and creating my own sound from there.

With the flood of emerging artist coming to the industry, how do you stand out?
If you want to make a statement in this industry, you have to be your complete self because there’s no one in this world like you. You can’t emulate someone else life and expect to be the next Beck, that just doesn’t make sense. You have to be completely you, and I believe I try to listen to other people and take little pieces of what I think is beautiful and make it my own.

What would you say is the biggest lesson you’ve learned since being signed to Atlantic?
I used to over think things so much and my Atlantic family has just made me feel an increased level of confidence in myself and growing in myself. They’re great at letting me know that I’m meant to be where I am.

From your new project, which song(s) are the best introduction to Raiche for your new listeners?
“Little Bit” and “Honesty”, because those are my two favorites. The melodies are so delicate, beautiful and serious at the same time. People often tell me I have a seriousness to me and that’s probably because I’m extremely shy and comes it off as mysterious. But both those songs have a mysterious vibe to them but they’re also enchanting and beautiful.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I can’t say that I have it all together, because I definitely don’t, but I believe in growing and investing in myself and in my craft. So, five years from now I just know things will be extremely established, vivid, exciting and I plan on doing a lot. I want to keep pushing myself to do more and more, whether it’s acting or voice overs! I just know it’s going to be something big and exciting!

Do you have any advice for aspiring artists seeking to follow your footsteps?
I’d just say to keep pushing. Always be open to learning and taking advice. Humility is also really important to stay afloat in this business. I’ve gone through so many phases of becoming humble and that will make the difference between making it and making it far. One day you can be on top and the next in a totally different position.

What do you want your fans to know most about you?
I have many layers. I know a lot of people don’t like me because they didn’t know who I was and they didn’t see anything on my Instagram but a pretty face and a voice but I feel like I have a lot of depth many layers and the more they come out you’ll see the layers pulled back.

Tiara Cooper

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