
Interview: Shay Johnson of Love & Hip Hop

Reality television star Shay Johnson has leveraged her fame to become a successful entrepreneur. The Love & Hip Hop cast member is focused on motherhood and expanding brand, The Healthy Hand.

How has being on the reality docu-series Love & Hip Hop helped you grow into the woman that you are today?
I think life in general gets you to the point where you are today; reality television played a part because every step of my life led me to this point, and I would not change anything. I have learned a few lessons from being on reality television. First, I do not have any sisters so being on reality television with a bunch of females was a rollercoaster of emotions. Reality television was the door opener for me into the industry. Now, I understand the entertainment industry more and how you can maximize and capitalize by bringing in passive income from businesses.

What can fans expect from the new season of Love and Hip Hop: Miami? Will fans get to see you in action, being a businessperson and mother?
My intentions are to allow fans more into my life, of course. I have been on television for over ten years, and I recently opened that door to my family because I was pregnant. This season I plan to bring more of my family in front of the camera. It is hard to show every part of my life, but my family is a big part of it. They will be shown like my daughter and possibly a partner.

Tell us how motherhood has shaped you for the better.
Even though I have only been a mom for ten months, my mindset is different because I move for her. I have something bigger and better to live for and that means I must set a good example for her and that includes my business and my morals. The only thing that I can do is teach her what I know. I am aware that mistakes will be made. I do not know everything. In fact, I have made mistakes in the ten months I had her. I am a proud and loving mother… I will continue to be the best mom I can be.

What are some of the lessons you want to share with your daughter?
The key lesson I want to leave behind for my daughter is that whenever you set a goal, you must follow certain steps to reach that goal. I want to teach her the same things my mother had taught and shown me… I want to teach her all the mistakes I have made so she does not have to go through the things that I did. It is easier to understand situations when you make a mistake and know what not to do as opposed to somebody telling you. I am hoping I can paint that picture for her, so she does not go down the wrong path. I am not going to force her to go in a direction she does not want to go… She is going to be coming out with her own gummies when she is two. If when she gets older and chooses a different path like singing, acting, or becoming a judge, I am going to support her and give her as much knowledge as I can. I will lead by example and after that, it is up to her. Her father and I are trying the best we can. He is heavily in her life and setting examples as well. He has a business mind. He’s very smart and articulate. Since he is Jamaican, he has a different outlook on things. To have two amazing parents in your life… I mean something good must come out of it.

Why is it important to set goals in life and put forth the effort to achieve goals?
I set goals because of how I was raised. My father was in the army and my mother was a stay-at-home parent, so I was very disciplined. I was raised to set goals and keep my standards high… Things that you learn as an adolescent stick with you when you become an adult. Certain decisions you make are based on how you were raised. Setting goals has better outcomes for me instead of letting things sit in limbo. I have things I want to accomplish before I die. Who knows if I will be around for tomorrow? Tomorrow is not promised so I will continue to set my goals. I want The Healthy Hand to have locations and be sold in grocery stores. It takes a team to do that. Thank God, I have a talented team and people around me that want to succeed. In business, you cannot do everything by yourself. People must know and accomplish their respective tasks and then you will be able to reach your goals. Years ago, I used to think that I could do this by myself because I had trust issues, and I was not too keen on letting people into my circle. Now I understand that you must trust people.

What was the inspiration behind The Healthy Hand? How has The Healthy Hand made you more mindful of your health?
It started because I had fibroids… 70% percent of all women will have some form of fibroids. Sometimes you do not even notice you have them, they come, and they go. I had fibroids once; I got them removed surgically, and they came back. I was speaking with several different herbalists that gave me several herbs to minimize my symptoms: back pain, pelvic pain, constant urination, and an extended menstrual cycle. It minimized my situation so much. I wish I had been on this healthy trip a long time ago… I knew that the herbs worked so I created The Healthy Hand to help other women… I wanted to get more into health and wellness. I started selling detox, apple cider vinegar gummies, turmeric gummies, and black seed oil. I just got into a little of everything and it helped me so why not help someone else—and it has been successful. I am happy to provide something that I can pass down to my daughter.

What are some of your favorite products that you use daily?
My favorite is the number one seller, it’s the total system detox…. Our detox is a multi-purpose detox. It detoxifies your blood and pancreas, and clears your colon. The total belly detox focuses only on the midsection area. So, a lot of people do not know you are supposed to have bowel movements every time you eat. Some people I know do not have a bowel movement for a week; that is not normal. You will have long-term side effects if you continue to just allow that to go on. People are most interested in the two detoxes and then the gummies, especially the Sea moss gummies. I have not had any complaints about my gummies, and I have tasted some nasty gummies… I am really big on flavor, so my gummies have a really great taste.

How did you and your brothers produce the non-profit organization The Johnson Takeover?
My brother, Dr. Joe Johnson, started the Johnson Takeover. He wanted to create a brand with his siblings that will not only bring us together but bring awareness to what he does. He is a motivational speaker who works for the NAACP. My brother MJ wanted to speak on entertainment. I would speak on health and wellness, so it was it is a pretty dope brand, and it brings us together. The Johnson Takeover and The Healthy Hand both help people in some way. Seeing how the organizations serve others must make you feel good.
When it comes to Healthy Hand, we get emails and messages all the time from many different people. We have multiple recurring customers who buy the detox all the time as well as the gummies. They come back because it works. They share how they lost weight, how they can go to the restroom, or how they feel more energized. My friend’s liver enzymes increased so high that it became a problem. He did a detox for 21 days (about three weeks) and he went back to the doctor and his enzymes were decreased… When it comes to the Johnson Takeover; we went to several different places like high schools and middle schools, and we were able to speak to the kids. I would say we had an extremely positive influence on several kids in the direction they wanted to go. We kind of did show them what we are doing and gave them ideas on discovering who they want to be and what they want to do when they go to college. If I help one person, that is cool, but the Johnson Takeover has helped many young people make the right decisions.


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