
Interview: That Girl Lay Lay’s Peyton Perrine III

Actor Peyton Perrine III, following his parents’ footsteps, has begun to create a name for himself in the world of acting. In a short time, he has found success as a meddling little brother on “That Girl Lay Lay.

Your mother, Lonyé Perrine, is an actor as well, and I saw in another interview where you said that seeing her is what inspired you. What about acting were you attracted to?
Well, at first, I just thought it was fun to play other characters. But when I started doing it, I noticed how whenever I did it, I just wanted to keep doing it. Acting is a passion of mine and it is so much fun telling stories and being these awesome characters.

Did your mother help you prepare for your first audition?
Yeah, she helps me prepare for all my auditions. We read them through together and give thoughts on the characters and how to make them my own. She used to help me prepare a lot more back then, but now I’m more seasoned and getting better. I will come to her for advice like how to interpret this line and how to do this action or just giving me tips on what I can do to improve.

Do you see yourself doing anything with her in the future?
Definitely, whenever I work with my mom it just feels amazing being a son working with his mom! It’s kind of like “Bring your mom or son to work” day!

When you locked in your first role in the TV series, Funny Married Stuff, how did you feel?
Honestly, I don’t remember that much of being on their show. I just remember my parents asking my little brother Randy and I if we wanted to be in it, and Randy and I said yes. Another thing I remember was our director was bribing Randy and I with gummy bears to focus!

Can you compare that feeling to securing the role of a reoccurring character in That Girl Lay Lay?
Well, I felt way more accomplished when I booked the role of Marky. I was excited to be on my parents’ show, but I was way more excited to be on “That Girl Lay Lay” because I worked so hard to get the part.

So, what is that like, playing the main character’s brother?
Well, to me, this is my first role as a main character, so being one of the stars of the show’s brother is really amazing to me. Especially since the characters I played before were more minor characters. It’s really a big difference.

Do you feel the fame yet? Are you getting used to being recognized by people when you are in public?
I don’t really feel “famous” but people do come up to me amazed or ask for a picture from time to time, but right now I’m used to it.

What is like working with Nickelodeons productions?
Working with Nickelodeon is amazing. Everyone is really nice and welcoming. What was and still is funny to me is that Nickelodeon isn’t shy with the gifts. On my birthday on June 27, they got me a mini-fridge and some nice little treats.

So, does that make it feel less like work?
Yes, way less like work. Everybody is so kind that it never ever felt like work.

With 28 episodes in “That Girl Lay Lay”, do you feel more comfortable in front of the camera as far as your acting abilities are concerned?
Yes, way more comfortable. In season one I was really nervous at first, but then I found my stride and was way more confident on camera. Being on the camera feels like talking to someone I know; it just feels natural now.

What do you do to improve your acting and performing skills?
Well, normally when we get scripts, I keep drilling on my lines and working on my actions. I like watching movies and TV and learning from what I see.

Now that you have acted in a few distinct roles, is there a type of role or character that you would enjoy playing?
I would enjoy playing an action character and probably an anime character doing voice over. Or playing a serious character with a dramatic backstory.

Is there an actor that you would like to work with?
Probably Michael B. Jordan or Jackie Chan.

Where would you like to see your acting career going from here?
I want to keep acting and start writing and producing my own movies and TV shows. I want to do some voice over in a cartoon or anime series.

I also saw in another interview you mentioned writing, is that something that you think you may begin to pursue soon?
Yes. Right now, I am working on a children’s book. It’s still a heavy work in progress, but I’m still working on it, nonetheless.

Is there anything that you would like the readers to know about you?
I am really into martial arts, such as Muay Thai and my Katana sword fighting. Also, I am really into playing video games as well as modding them. Right now, I’m learning how to make my own video game.


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