Introducing Earthbound Rejects


Earthbound Rejects is far more than musical act, they are a social movement that uses hip hop take a stand against the ills of society including racism and bullying, both in and out of the booth.

Why did you choose rapping as your professional career choice?
First and foremost, we wanted to assure a comfortable lifestyle for us, our families, and our loved ones. Aside from that, we truly wish to set an example for those who feel they aren’t worthy of accomplishing their goals, we want them to know it’s possible and not to let their dreams be dreams.

Name some of the artists who inspired you.
To name a select few, we’d have to say: The Rest of EBR, Charles Hamilton, T.D.E, MF DOOM, Nas,RZA NoEmotion, and Zelooperz. We’d list more but we’d run out of time.

How would you describe your style?
We’re abstract while still keeping in touch with reality. We speak on current topics, discuss current struggles, and attempt to spread a positive message in our own unique way.

What separates you from other artists?
We like to consider ourselves representatives of the common man, the “losers”, the “nerds”, the “geeks”, the “otakus”, and anyone else who’s been told they can’t do something because they look, act, or speak a certain way. To those who have no voice, we are the microphone.

We’ve seen that your family runs a foundation known as RP Card Foundation Partners. Could you tell us a little bit about it and what you do?
RP Card Foundation Partners is a 501 3 C foundation with Antonio Fargas that raises money for minority students assisting with scholarships to pursue their dreams. My brother and I make music to advertise, support, and aid this cause.

Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Any advice you would give to aspiring artists?
Beyond anything else, be yourself. No matter what anyone says, always pursue what you love. See your dreams as goals so you can make them a reality. Don’t conform to a standard set for you. Do what’s best for you, even if that’s the same thing everyone else does.

Any shouts you would like to make?
I’d like to give a big shout out to Antonio Fargas and TV Journalist Del Walters, for being there for the foundation for Day One. Jeanie Jones and Nate Impact of Ready Set Impact for aiding us in our career. KeiMo Therapy, Don Zu from Detroit, CJ from ShotsOfLyfe Productions, Phil from Letter X Productions, and all of our online friends; whether that’s Skype, Facebook, SoundCloud, and anything else we could have missed. Thank you… All of you.

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