
Is Outspoken Homophobe Lil Boosie Secretly Gay?

After listening to Lil Boosie’s interview with New York’s Power 105’s Breakfast Club, there are only two things that came to mind–the hope that culture’s current and future artists educate themselves so they can use their platforms responsibly.

And… Not everyone grows wise in their later years.

Boosie has one of the most godawful pairing of flaws one human being could have. He’s both arrogant and ignorant which makes for a terrible combination.

You would think that at his age, life experiences would have made him at least empathetic towards the experiences of other oppressed groups but not this guy.

It saddens me to say, despite his age, Boosie has allowed himself remain a dumb old trash rap nigga who has never been shit. But even worse, it’s not enough that he refuses to unfuck himself and mature, he uses his platform to lead his younger fans to share his same lack of decent values.

Now before any of you toxic small dick energy having homophobic (and possibly repressed gay) negros rush to his defense, you should not have to be a part of an oppressed social group to understand that oppression is wrong. Replace word gay with black, if that helps you find your empathy.

The world has moved forward and if you know better, you are supposed to do better. You don’t have to be gay to get that. But maybe that’s his problem.

Maybe Lil Boosie is protesting so loudly because he’s ashamed of his inner self and lacks the courage to live his truth out loud. Maybe, he secretly wants to keep all of the dicks for himself (which explains his need for cover through his constant public misogynistic exploitation of Black women). We don’t really know and I can’t relate.

Either way, for a straight guy, he spends a lot of time and energy worrying about what other men are doing with their penises and that sounds a tad gay to me.


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