Is Paul Pierce Training For a Comeback? 

Age ain’t nothin’ but a number. 

At 46 years old, Paul Pierce hasn’t quite put the basketball down. 

In a recent episode of his podcast with Kevin Garnett, “Ticket & The Truth,” Pierce revealed that he has been working out daily and playing pick-up with a specific goal in mind – receiving a 10-day contract in February.  

Despite being six years removed from the game, retiring back in 2017, Pierce hasn’t stopped training. He lost ten pounds this past year and believes he’s on the right path for a comeback. On the court, he’s continued to work on his lateral quickness, flexibility, and strength. When it comes to his game, it’s safe to say his shot is still butter. 

So, what inspired Pierce? As reported, Pierce came to a revelation after Kevin Garnett asked him how many three—pointers he would make if given 10 attempts in “today’s NBA.” 

“Give me 10 threes in a game, I’ll hit 6.”


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