Actress Keke Palmer has filed for sole custody of her 8-month-old son, Leodis, in a restraining order against her former partner, Darius Jackson. Palmer accuses Jackson of both emotional and physical abuse, as detailed in court documents filed on Thursday in Los Angeles.
According to the documents reviewed by People magazine, Palmer claims that she has been a victim of multiple instances of abuse by Jackson over the past two years. The most recent incident allegedly occurred over the weekend, with Palmer asserting that Jackson trespassed into her home without consent.
“Darius trespassed into my home without my knowledge or consent, threatened me, then physically attacked me – lunging for my neck, striking me, throwing me over the couch, and stealing my phone when I told him I was going to call the police,” Palmer stated in the documents.
The actress has provided evidence to support her claims, including video stills that appear to depict a man striking a woman over a sofa. The court documents reveal that police arrived at Palmer’s residence before Jackson left, advising her to pursue a domestic violence restraining order.
As Palmer seeks sole custody of her son, the case sheds light on the broader issue of domestic violence and its impact on families. The legal proceedings will unfold in the coming weeks as the court reviews the evidence and considers the best interests of the child in this challenging situation.