Leave The World Behind | Official Teaser | Netflix

In the suspenseful thriller “Leave The World Behind,” Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke lead a family on a peaceful vacation that takes a harrowing turn. Their tranquil getaway becomes a battleground for survival when, amidst the chaos of a growing cyberattack, Mahershala Ali and Myha’la, two enigmatic strangers, arrive at their doorstep seeking refuge. As the world outside spirals into turmoil, this unexpected encounter forces each of them to confront their roles in a rapidly collapsing society. In a world unraveling at breakneck speed, trust, fear, and uncertainty collide, leaving the characters grappling with an existential crisis like no other.

“Leave The World Behind” is a gripping tale of resilience, unraveling mysteries, and the stark reality of humanity pushed to the brink.

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