The Amours, who are sisters named Jakiya and Shaina, have just released a new single called “Pick Me Up” featuring TA Thomas. The song is about how relationships can be complicated, especially once the initial attraction fades away. The record label November Yellow is releasing the new single, along with an accompanying music video.
In their own words, The Amours describe “Pick Me Up” as a reflection of the ups and downs inherent in maintaining a healthy relationship. The song delves into the struggle of recognizing when a relationship becomes toxic, yet still holding onto hope for reconciliation.
With their debut EP, “Changes,” slated for release on April 26th, The Amours are poised to significantly impact the music scene. This EP follows the success of their recent singles “JK, I Love You,” “Before I Met You,” and “Don’t Deserve.” Produced entirely by Camper, the EP promises to showcase the duo’s versatile sound and their ability to feed off each other’s energy.