nick cannon

Nick Cannon Calls Out Oscars and Continues to Defend Kevin Hart on Wendy Williams

Today on Wednesday’s episode of The Wendy Williams Show, Nick Cannon opened up about the Oscars and defending his friend, Kevin Hart.

Last week, Hart announced he would no longer be hosting the 2019 Oscars after discrepancy around past tweets. Less than a day later, Cannon called out female comedians including Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman and Chelsea Handler for also posting similar comments on social media without receiving the same backlash.

Nick Cannon weighed in saying, “Honestly, I know how much it meant to him, and I had to stand up for my best friend and just to show the selective outrage and hypocrisy that’s out there.”

He went on to say this should be a learning moment for everyone.

“In moments like this, as a community, we can all grow—because there’s a lot of pain in a lot of communities—and it’s really focused on not about who’s right but about what’s right,” he said. “If we can focus on the understanding and growing through this pain, that’s what it’s all about. So, I commend Kevin.”

He also said the Academy should be held responsible for what they have also done in the past: “If the Academy wants to step up and say, ‘You are going to be held accountable for your past,’ they should be held accountable for their past.”

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