One Thing Every Indie Artist Should Know

Almost everyone has dreams of stardom in some form or fashion. Many of which include a recording deal or maybe independent success. However, no matter the dream, if you want to achieve or maintain a career, there is one thing you need to know.

Nobody owes you shit.

Yeah, I get it. You think you are the best singer/songwriter, producer, beat maker or rapper to have never been discovered and your friends and family all applaud your musical efforts at every cookout and holiday gathering. While I’m sure that it feels good to have your labor of love appreciated, until your music becomes a mass success, you need to gracefully put in the work.

What does that mean? It means doing what is necessary to win without feeling entitled to someone or better yet anyone, making it easy. The fans don’t owe you their support. My editorial/media peers nor I owe you a feature or placement. The programming directors nor DJ’s owe you spins. You have to earn these things (or have a ridiculous budget to pay the unscrupulous ones).

Entitlement is very unattractive. Few things can discourage someone interested in helping furthering your career as fast. I’m not one to encourage anyone to be humble as I find that is often pushed to make others comfortable with their own insecurities (that’s a whole post by itself), but be respectful. Be grateful. Make people want to help you by showing your appreciation every step of the way.

I still thank the same people who supported me twenty years ago during my internship at Stress Magazine whenever possible. And, they still find ways to support my hustles. They want to see me win. I took the time to share this information because I want the same for you – to see you win. Forget whatever preconceived notion you have, the best way to show love is to educate and inform. This is the support you truly need.

To recap, nobody owes you shit. This includes a feature, a review, a spin, a play, or even a reply. But, with hard work and grace, you can prove yourself worthy of support from fans, taste-makers, and gatekeepers alike. Isn’t that what you want?


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