Amidst the buzz of the season finale of Love & Hip-Hop ATL, where viewers were treated to reality-star Karlie Redd’s test shoot, Playboy Plus confirmed today she will indeed pose nude.
“We are absolutely thrilled to have Karlie Redd pose for us” says Daniel Richard, Product Director, Playboy Plus. Richard adds, “Her images will be featured within our celebrity section and will live among other celebrity nudes from Kim Kardashian and Madonna, to Marylyn Monroe and Kate Moss”.
The opportunity arose from Karlie Redd’s prior appearance on The Playboy Morning Show, Playboy TV’s live, nationally syndicated, television and radio series. Amongst rumors of a sex tape offer, Karlie confessed to hosts Dan Cummins and Andrea Lowell of her intentions to pose Playboy.
“This is something I have always dreamed of. You can be sexy at any age. I think all women’s bodies are beautiful and should be embraced. I have looked up to all of the women who have done it before me. I advise everyone to be who they are and be confident within their skin. This is all that matters. Be proud of your body. This is about the beauty of a woman” says Redd.
The photo shoot will take place in September and the theme is being kept secret but promises not to disappoint!
View exclusive behind the scenes footage from Karlie Redd’s Playboy Plus test shoot: