You may think that the headline is such a simple philosophy that it really doesn’t need an explanation. However, you would be surprised by the number of people who find themselves on the receiving end of fuckery over and over again, often by the same shit-birds.
We all say we’re going to stop fucking with these narcissistic assholes but do we? Far too many times, the answer is no.
At some point, we have to recognize and accept people for who they are with whatever character flaws that are inherent.
I’m not talking about mistakes here. I am talking about recurring decisive choices that display indifference towards how they affect you. They are consistent to the point of being habitual.
Much like you would expect a snake to bite, birds to fly or fish to swim, you have to expect people to be themselves.
I know you want to hold on to the misguided belief that there’s good in everyone, but the reality is that some people just ain’t shit. Even more importantly, until they decide to better themselves, most won’t ever be shit.
If they like who they are and there are no consequences for their misdeeds, why would they ever change? It must be okay, if you ultimately keep positioning them to do it repeatedly right? Ultimately, it will go on as long as you allow it. You have the power and the right to remove anyone from your life at any time without explanation. You just have to summon the will to do it.
We all have been there. We all have said we don’t fuck with people only to find ourselves for whatever reason doing the opposite. Whether it’s emotional co-dependency or devil dick, it’s time to do something different – cause the shit we’ve been doing isn’t working for any one of us.
Going into 2020, let’s make a list of these habitual-line-steppers in the words of the late great Charlie Murphy and stop fucking with them once and for all. Yes, we have said it before, but it’s time that we mean it.