Urban Magazine Arriving in Print January 2018, Subscribe Now

Urban Magazine October cover

Your favorite digital publication, Urban Magazine will debut in print January 2018 and be available on selected newsstands starting in New York, making its way to more major cities in the first year.

“Urban Magazine has been out of print since 2005. I am proud that I have a team of amazing people to bring it back outside of the digital format,” explains BE’N ORIGINAL, publisher and editor in chief.

URBAN is a full color digital urban lifestyle publication covering culture, entertainment, fashion, and sports as they relate to our audience.

Read the October issue in the digital format featuring Bernard David Jones, AngelGold, Tish Hyman, Miguel, Josie B, Solange, Ralphy Davis, Mr. 1204, Talib McQueen and more below.

Save $7 when you take advantage of our discounted subscription for the print issues today for $12.95.

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