Women Who Date Fuck Boys and The Lies They Post


This week, a young lady took to her Facebook page and posted a tribute to her boyfriend.

I know, nothing shocking about that.

Wearing her gown and cap in her celebratory post-graduation photo beside him, she thanked him for all the love and support he gave along the way.

According to her, his loyalty was consistent as he ensured that she never gave up and always did her best. She even goes as far to state that she probably would not have graduated without him.

Sounds like the perfect guy, right?

Wrong. He’s a fuck boy.

Little did she know that 24 hours before she posted her heartwarming accolades, he had fucked another chick.

Now it is possible she is completely ignorant to his infidelities, but the odds are not favorable.

Most of these guys aren’t clever and really don’t have to be. After all, they have the unconditional love of their women and it works to their advantage. Even if they are blatantly guilty, they are still innocent in the court of the heart.

So why post the lies? The answer is simply this, if she acknowledged his cheating ways, she would be expected to take action. But, if she pretends that he’s a good guy, she can continue to live in a fantasy world.

There is a name for it in business. It’s called “Fallacy Costs,” and it is when people stay in a failing situation because of their previous investment.

Basically, they refuse to cut their losses with the erroneous hopes that further investment will change the situation. She knows he’s playing her, but refuses to accept it because she has given so much of her time, money and love, there has to be some kind of return on her investment.

Unfortunately, this only enables the fuck boy to continue to infringe without consequence until he gets tired or bored with her. Meanwhile, she looks foolish because, despite evidence to the contrary, she refuses to see anything but the good in him. In truth, she needs him. She is dependent on his validation to feel good about herself.

This is why it is so important for fathers to be loving and supportive of their daughters so that they don’t need to compromise themselves to get it from someone else.

Remember, she likely knows the truth. Hopefully, one day she’ll love herself enough to do something about it.


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