WTF: Why Fantasia Deserved to be Ridiculed by Jet Magazine Editor


First, we have to say to all of the fans of Fantasia’s music, we acknowledge that she is very talented, but as far as this recent Jet Magazine controversy,  she is wrong in several ways.

Even though Jet editor Mitzi Miller apologized for her comments on Facebook regarding Fantasia’s illiteracy, just look at the way the recording artist worded her post.

“This saddens Me!! It is clear that this picture is 10 Years Old and JET magazine Puts it on the Cover!! After I send them the NEW LOOK AND DIRECTION.. SAD!!

I WANT A PUBLIC APOLOGY FROM JET. Now im not sure if the interview is correct. SEE!! American they and use me as they crash Dummy BUT NO MORE. IF I DONT STAND FOR SOMETHING ILL FALL FOR ANYTHING.”

Now if it was written by a fourth grader,  we would be more understanding. But, for 28 year old woman? Completely unacceptable.  Miller responded with the following:

“The fact that I wasted an hour of my workday writing a press release to address an issue created by a person who cannot even read it is just… #whyiwannaBahousewife.”

While it may be harsh or even unprofessional, Miller’s comment is historically accurate and justifiable as evidenced in Fantasia’s online rants.  In fact, the only thing we would add are two words, “or write.”

Fantasia, you say you don’t want to used as a “Crash Dummy.” We understand and respect that, though your publicist did send a poor choice of photos.  However, it would greatly help your cause if you didn’t broadcast your ignorance by abusing the English language when writing like a first grader on a public platform.

In the words of oft-wise Forrest Gump, stupid is what stupid does. Stop being stupid. Take a class or leave the public statements to your publicist. That is all.

Special shout out to Theresa Nevins for the lead… Thank you!!!

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